Who is Youth Now?
Youth Now educates, supports and empowers young people. We’re a youth substance use prevention initiative developed by caring adults and local youth, paid for by marijuana tax dollars and other grants. Youth Now offers resources, campaigns, research and other supports for youth, parents, educators and providers.
Prevent Coalition and Youth Now bring together community members from all walks of life, even those who have seemingly opposite opinions about substances, to connect and support communities, build resilience and prevent youth substance use.

Our vision is to have healthy, thriving youth free of youth substance use.

To change the conversation about substances. Instead of talking AT youth about their choices, we’re talking WITH them through their own language.
Guiding Principles
Youth Now Prevention Initiative and all campaigns are guided by ongoing conversations with our youth and community partners.

Youth Led:
Youth leadership and presence is imperative at every phase of the campaign’s development and implementation. We use local data from our youth to employ the best strategies with youth voice.

We provide youth with facts and research about brain development and Washington State law.

People do not have to be against legal substance use to support youth prevention.

Connection is the BEST prevention.

Building capacity for coping and resilience protects youth.

Our vision is to have healthy, thriving youth free of youth substance use.

We work to prevent youth from misusing marijuana.

Call to Action:
Why do you choose not to use?
Asking youth to delay first use, or “wait” to use marijuana is proven to reduce usage rates and abuse, especially among higher risk populations.
The campaign is managed by Clark County’s Prevent Coalition and funded by Washington State tax dollars from marijuana sales, through a Department of Health grant.
The Prevent Coalition surveyed over 1,200 middle and high school youth in Southwest Washington for feedback about marijuana prevention messaging. Their comments and responses shaped the messages and delivery of the campaign.
Primary Audience
The campaign is intended to reach high risk youth, and may not be a prevention message that suits all youth.

Find Your Good

Our vision is to have healthy, thriving youth free of youth substance use.

We work to prevent youth from using alcohol.

Call to Action:
My good is____. What’s yours? What’s your good?
The campaign aims to promote healthy activities and positive interactions between youth, to help youth recognize there are other choices than using substances.
The campaign was created by the Strong Teens Against Substances, Hazards, and Abuse (STASHA) with assistance from the Prevent Coalition at ESD 112. Funding is from the STOP Act Grant.
The campaign stems from the Legacy Center’s 40 Developmental Assets: “Studies of more than 2.2 million young people in the United States consistently show that the more Developmental Assets young people have, the less likely they are to engage in a wide range of high-risk behaviors and the more likely they are to thrive.”
Primary Audience
The campaign is intended to reach SW region Middle and High School aged young people.