Administrator Resources
As an administrator, you oversee rules and consequences for students who are caught vaping. We’ve collected information about the new student discipline rules in Washington State and ideas for health-promoting alternatives to exclusionary discipline.
Resources For The School Year
Promote Healthy Choices & Protect Youth From the Harms of Tobacco Products
About 1 in 3 High School Students Are Current Tobacco Users
The 2019 National Youth Tobacco Survey (NYTS) data showed about 1 in 3 high school students and about 1 in 8 middle school students are current tobacco users. For the sixth year in a row e-cigarettes were the most commonly used tobacco product by high school and middle school students.
Our youth are becoming increasingly exposed to nicotine, a drug that is highly addictive and harms brain development. Sharing of devices and hand-to-mouth action can facilitate transmission of COVID-19. Smoke and aerosols from tobacco products can damage the protective lining of the lungs, cause inflammation, impact immune system function, and increase the risk of severe illness from infections.
Share the resources on this website with teachers, counselors, health care professionals, and parents so they have the information and tools they need to protect youth. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) also has resources for every audience along with current data and guidance.
Commercial Tobacco Product Prevention Digital Toolkit for Schools
This toolkit was developed for schools and prevention partners in Washington State. It contains information on e-cigarettes and vaping including youth use statistics, association with COVID-19, how to keep students safe, administrator recommendations and digital curriculum for teachers. You will also find resources for counselors, health professionals and parents.
Tools to Assist Schools in Navigating the Vaping Epidemic
This webinar, presented by the Public Health Law Center, discusses current data and trends in youth use of e-cigarette products, components of a model school policy including enforcement, and presents the American Lung Association’s “INDEPTH” program. Webinar slides and documents can be downloaded from the Public Health Law Center website.
New Student Discipline Rules: Research, Policies, and Practices
What Does Research Tell Us About Student Athletes and Substance Use?
Washington State Discipline Rules & Policy Guidance
Washington Deptartment of Health
Vaping Cessation App: Q & A
The Washington State Department of Health (DOH) has collaborated with 2Morrow to offer their vaping program for teens and young adults in Washington. What is it? How does it work? Should it be used as an alternative to suspension? Get these questions and more answered by this two page document.
Discipline Policy Updates: Substance Abuse and Possession
Important changes have occurred regarding discipline in Washington State schools. This one page overview, updated for the 2019-2020 school year, provides a summary of changes related to substance-use and substance possession.
New Student Discipline Rules: A Technical Guide
This guide was developed by OSPI to provide administrators and school district officials with guidance on student discipline. It uses a question & answer format to address rule making, best practices, family engagement, managing special situations and emergencies, reengagement, and special education.
Student Discipline Resources
A wide range of guidance and resources directly from the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction
Public Health Law Center
E-Cigarette Regulations – Washington State
A snapshot of Washington State regulation and state statutes pertaining to e-cigarettes in the following areas: youth access/other retail restrictions, definition of “vapor product,” taxation, product packaging, retail licensure, and smoke-free air legislation.
American Lung Association
Alternative to Suspension Program Available
Are you looking for solutions to meet the new Washington State discipline policy guidelines? The American Lung Association (ALA) has launched their Intervention for Nicotine Dependence: Education, Prevention, Tobacco and Health (INDEPTH) program as an alternative to suspension program. Click one of the links below to learn more.
Includes overview of program, narratives from two facilitators who have successfully implemented INDEPTH in their districts, plus Questions & Answers from the audience. Click the image to begin.
Seattle Weekly
Substance Use Policy Revision Keeps Kids in Seattle Schools
Counseling and individualized plans for students caught using drugs and alcohol has led to a decrease in suspensions at Seattle Public Schools. Its one example of how schools are implementing alternatives to exclusionary school discipline (ESD) practices.
ChangeLab Solutions
School Discipline Practices: A Public Health Crisis and Opportunity to Reform
Online Guide and approaches to school discipline.
ChangeLab Solutions
Positive Discipline and Healthy Kids: An Opportunity for Washington State
Why Washington’s new school discipline rules are important not only for student learning but also for creating safe, supportive school environments for everyone.
State of Washington
State of Washington Letter to School Administrators
Get the Facts about Vaping/JUULing

E-cigs, electronic cigarettes, JUULs
What is Vaping?
Vapor products produce aerosol by heating a liquid solution. Users inhale the aerosol into the lungs. There are chemicals and nicotine in the aerosol, not just water vapor.
Laws & Legal Status
The law applies to what is being vaped in an e-cig. Meaning, in Washington State, marijuana vaping is legal for adults over 21, and vaping nicotine is legal for adults over 18. As of Jan. 1, 2020 it will be illegal to sell or give tobacco or vaping products to people under age 21.
Affect on Your Developing Brain
While the brain is still developing, young people are at higher risk for long-term, long-lasting effects of exposure to nicotine, including an increased risk of addiction. Nicotine can harm the parts of the brain that control attention and learning.
Is it Addicting?
Yes. Nicotine is addicting to young people and adults. Young people's brains are growing faster than adult brains, and are therefore can get addicted more easily than adults.
Affect on Your Body
Scientists are still trying to understand the long-term health effects of vaping, both for users and those exposed to vaping second-hand. Vaping is known to have negative affects on respiratory health because of the harmful and potentially harmful chemicals in the e-cigs, including nicotine and other chemicals linked to lung disease.
What if someone needs help?
Teen Link: 1-866-Teenlink
Available 6pm–10pm PST
Teen Talk: 360-397-2428
Available Monday –Thursday 4-9pm, Friday 4-7pm PST
Where to go for more info
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