How to help your friends when weed seems like the only way to cope.
Stress shows up for everyone.
Stress can look like:
Acting differently than they normally do
Overly emotional/unstable emotions
Drama/ intensity
Too quiet/shut down, very sleepy
People sometimes turn to drugs to cope.
You Can:
Sit with them at lunch
Say hi
Let them know you’re there for them
Comfort them
There are
lots of ways to cope with
Weed doesn’t have to
be your way.
(Start by asking and LISTENING.)
Is there something going on?
I notice you’ve been different.
Are you ok?
Is there something wrong?
I noticed a big change in how you’re acting.
Put yourself in their shoes.
Take a brain break together
Video games, sports, or other sober activities can help mellow you out and make you feel good.
Be there for them
We all need our people.
Do something active
Go outside, play sports, go for a walk, get endorphins!
Find the funny
Laughter kills stress, Be goofy, be weird, whatever lightens them up.
Know when to tell an adult to make sure you both stay safe.
Take Care of Yourself!
Seeing a friend struggle is hard, make sure you get support too.
Remember, you can’t make their decisions for them
Respect their boundaries, and yours too
Remember you can’t change other people
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