Find Your Good Social Media Toolkit

The Find Your Good campaign aims to promote healthy activities and positive interactions between youth, to help them recognize there are ways to cope with stress without using drugs or alcohol. It was created by Teens for Tomorrow (formerly STASHA) with assistance from Prevent Coalition at ESD 112. Funding is from federal and state sources. The messaging comes from local middle and high school students, who share their “good” – the healthy ways they cope and deal with stress that help them live happy lives free of drugs or alcohol.

Find Your Good helps young people find connection and support by encouraging community engagement.


Since it began measuring substance use data in 2012, the Washington State Healthy Youth Survey has consistently shown youth alcohol use higher than any other substance/drug by 10th graders in the state of Washington. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention reports excessive drinking is responsible for more than 4,300 deaths nation-wide among underage youth each year, with a price tag of $24 billion in economic costs in 2010.

The 2023 Healthy Youth Survey shows 8% of Washington 10th graders reported using marijuana in the last 30 days (down from 18% in 2018) and one in four 10th graders perceive there’s little/no risk in regular marijuana use – an all time low. Yet in fact, marijuana addiction is more common among teens than adults because their brains are still developing and vulnerable. (Casey BJ, Jones RM, Hare TA. The adolescent brain. Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci. 2008;1124:111–126.)

We live in a culture that often promotes substances as way to celebrate or a way to cope with problems, but most of Washington youth do not use drugs or alcohol and know better ways to focus on the positive and cope with stress.

The Find Your Good campaign was developed by youth for youth, to highlight the way they engage in healthy activities and what they value above substance use. Youth know how to make choices that are good for them, for their families, for their schools and their communities, and this campaign encourages them to talk openly about their healthy choices and share their favorite activities with their friends and peers.

This toolkit is designed as a platform for adults to use to engage with youth and encourage them to find and share their own good.

How to Use this Toolkit

The Find Your Good campaign aims to engage youth on social media with the question: What’s your good?

Share the Good:

Use the images and corresponding messages on your social media channels to share the good from the teens who created this campaign.

Start a Conversation:

Share these examples with the youth you’re working with, then ask them what their good is, what keeps them from using and abusing alcohol or other substances. Encourage them to share their good on their social media channels with one of the hashtags below.

Calls to Action:

My good is____. What’s yours?
What’s your good?


#FindYourGood #Choosenottouse #Choosenobooze #YouAreGood


Instagram : youth_now
Facebook: supportyouthnow
Twitter: supportyouthnow

Suggested Posting Schedule

Week-long campaign
Run an intensive week-long campaign with an image and message from each category every day. Optional: Add the suggested popular hashtags to expand the reach of your posts.

  • Monday AM – Academics, add the hashtag #mondaymotivation
  • Tuesday PM – Athletics, add the hashtag #tuesdaytruth
  • Wednesday AM – General/Misc., add the hashtag #wednesdaywisdom
  • Thursday PM – Arts, add the hashtag #thursdaythoughts
  • Friday PM – Friends, add the hashtag #fridayfeeling
  • Saturday AM – Outdoors, add the hashtag #saturdaymorning
  • Sunday AM – Faith/Spirituality, add the hashtag #sundaymood

Month-long campaign
Make a longer lasting impact by following the above schedule for four weeks.

How Communities Are Adapting Find Your Good

We encourage coalitions and community groups to use the content provided but also adapt the campaign concept to your community needs. Here are some examples of how organizations have gotten created with the Find Your Good campaign. For information on using and requesting the Find Your Good logo, contact

How Communities Are Adapting on Social Media

Below are some examples of how coalitions and other organizations are using the Find Your Good toolkit online, adding a personal touch to the toolkit contents. 

Prevent Coalition

About Prevent

Prevent Coalition’s mission: connecting and supporting communities to build resilience and prevent youth substance use.